The BDF Entrepreneurship Centre is committed to entrepreneurial development in Cameroon and Africa at large.

By prioritizing entrepreneurial development, the centre contributes to building a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem that empowers young aspiring entrepreneurs to think beyond formal employment, and start their own relevant, strong and sustainable businesses. The centre dutifully invests to endow them with acumen, skills, tools and mentoring at every stage of their entrepreneurial journey.

Building on the strategic experience and successful corporate career of its founder, BDF-EC continuously builds and drive strategic focus and emphasis on critical entrepreneurial development pointers that will ignite broad and positive socio-economic impact across all strata of society.



It is our anchor aspiration at BDF-EC, to elevate the value and importance of entrepreneurship education, training and capacity building of startups. Cameroon’s economy as well as other African economies needs to reinvent themselves if they are going to be robust enough to face the challenges of the 21st and 22nd century global economies. The first step towards this transformation requires:

  • Economic flight captains who are fearless to pilot the economy with new ideas and approaches
  • Characters furnished with unprecedented heights of innovative appetite for change
  • Dynamic funding systems receptive enough to embrace and support brilliant business initiatives come to life.

In order to pave and settle this transformational pathway, BDF-EC has grown a four-tier custom approach that guarantees that our inductees emerge from the centre, equipped with capacity to establish and grow businesses capable of flourishing under the competitive demands of today’s global economies. Our four-tier custom approach includes:

  • Generator – Core attention to aspiring entrepreneurs, focus on their orientation
  • Financor – Provide seed capital for start ups
  • Incubator – Accompany the business to get established
  • Accelerator – For business that are ready to scale up.





Our overall goal is to create 10000 entrepreneurs, 500,000 jobs and hence relieve thousands of families from poverty over a 10-year period through training and provision of start-up/survival funds for businesses in Cameroon and across Africa.


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